Medical Foot Care

What is Medical Foot Care?
Foot care services are regular check-ups that help keep your feet healthy. It helps avoid painful and unpleasant problems such as:
Nail care (trimming; care of thickened, brittle, fungal, and ingrown nails)
- Corn treatment
- Callus treatment
- Bunion treatment
- Skin and wound care/ulcers
- Preventative practices and maintenance foot care
- Foot and lower leg assessments
- ABIs
- Diabetic foot care
- Foot health education
- Identification of potential foot health problems and recommendations of appropriate treatment and care
Did you know?
- Each foot contains 26 bones and over 100 ligaments to keep your body stable
- There are more than 7000 nerve endings in you feet
- Each foot has approximately 125,000 sweat glands and can produce up to 250mL of sweat per day
- The average Canadian walks between 4500-5000 steps/day
- Medical Foot Care
Nursing foot care is beneficial to people with the following:
- Diabetics
- Arthritis/Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Peripheral Vascular Disease (decreased or poor circulation)
- Active wounds or a history of wounds
- Neuropathy
- Lymphedema
- Decreased dexterity
- Cancer
- Taking certain high risk medications (blood thinners, steroids)
- People who cannot adequately provide themselves with foot care.
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