BioFlex Laser Therapy
Laser rehabilitation therapy is a non-invasive treatment for pain. Bioflex is the most advanced laser therapy system available on the market and can aid in a wide-range of ailments.
- Acute pain ex. shingles, migraine
- Chronic pain ex. low back pain, headache, TMJ
- Autoimmune disease ex. rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, morphea
- Degenerative conditions ex. osteoarthritis, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease
- Repetitive strain injuries ex. carpal tunnel, tendonitis
- Sports injuries ex. sprains, muscle strains/tears, plantar fasciitis
- Trauma ex. broken bones, severe bruising, post-surgical scarring
- Cold sores
- Lymphedema
- Raynaud’s syndrome
- Tinea unguium (nail fungus)
Treatment times for BioFlex Laser Therapy vary, which depends largely on the size of the area or extent of tissue damage that requires treatment. After your assessment, one of our trained therapists will indicate your requirement for laser time.
- Standard Laser Treatment $65 +tax
- Classic Laser Treatment $85 +tax
*Assessment required prior to attending Laser treatment
Payment options available.
- Standard Laser Package – $480 +tax
- Classic Laser Package – $600 +tax
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