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Managing Arthritis with Laser Therapy, Physiotherapy and Healthy Habits

Arthritis, characterized by joint inflammation and pain, affects millions worldwide. Traditional treatments include medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. Advanced treatments like laser therapy have emerged as promising options. This
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What are Physio Exercises and How Do They Relieve Pain?

I was waiting for my turn at the hairdressers the other day, when I became aware of a conversation in a nearby chair. The client was telling her hairdresser how
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Tips for better sleep

We need sleep to recharge and repair our bodies. It is meant to be an automatic function, triggered by the circadian rhythm, which controls our internal clocks. We can appreciate
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When it hurts to move

When it Hurts to Move, and you just want the Pain gone…You have Options! Pain is the main reason why our clients seek care; and I expect this runs true
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